Nabeel Qureshi says doctors have 'pretty much given up' on treating his cancer

Christian apologist Nabeel Qureshi appears in a screen capture of his video blog. | Youtube/NQMinistries

Christian apologist Nabeel Qureshi, who was diagnosed with advanced stomach cancer last year, has recently revealed that he is being moved to palliative care as his doctors have "pretty much given up" on his treatment.

In a video blog released on Friday, Qureshi, a Christian convert from Islam who served with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM), said that his doctors think that his body has entered the "final stages of life."

"I wanted to give you a quick update of where we are — not the best news," Qureshi said in the video, while laying in a hospital bed.

"The doctors have pretty much given up on treating me. They think my body is in its final stages of life. So, they have suggested palliative care and that's what we are doing," he added.

The apologist noted that the doctors have now resorted to "comfort measures," including withholding calories from him for a few days.

"So, it's looking pretty grim. I could really use your prayers. If we want the Lord to come through and do a miracle, it needs to happen in the next few days," he said.

He recounted that his doctors explained to him that he may experience liver failure if the numbers of certain enzymes would not return to normal, and told him that "there is nothing we can do for you at that point. That will be the end."

In the video blog, he said that he wanted to share the update about his health because he needs people to pray for him and his family.

Qureshi was recently hospitalized for over a month and had his stomach removed due to severe bleeding. He later revealed that his condition had become worse as the cancer had spread to his liver.

He was released from the hospital in late August, but he had to be evacuated from his Houston-area home back to a hospital due to the severe flooding caused by Hurricane Harvey.

The apologist said at the time that the doctors have warned him that he could die if his liver gets worse, but he said he is keeping his faith in God no matter what the outcome is.

Qureshi posted another video blog on Saturday explaining that he wanted the opportunity to discuss any misconceptions people might have had about his ministry.

He said that he does not intend his work to be used as a way for people to "undercut one another," and maintained that he wanted his ministry to leave a legacy "of love, of peace, of truth, of caring for one another."