
'Final Fantasy XV' day-one patch update news, details: Crown Update brings new skills, bug fixes and improved gameplay

Promotional image for "Final Fantasy XV." | Facebook/ffxv

Square Enix's most awaited open-world game, "Final Fantasy XV," is finally coming out today, Nov. 29, after years of production and delays. Along with the game's release is a day one patch update, known as the Crown Update, and is reportedly around 7.2GB in size.

"The Crown Update is the result of some additional time for development since mastering the full game," Square Enix noted in a statement. "[It] provides a variety of updates, minor bug fixes and new features to greatly enhance the overall story and gameplay experience," the game publisher added.

The day-one update includes new abilities such as the Backward Shift (Warp) Magic, Shift (Warp) Drop Kick, several new Wait Modes such as the Libra Speed Increase, Wait Gauge Recovery, Surprise Attack Shift Break and a Final Blow Shift Break.

The update also added a Regalia Shop that allows players to shop while riding in the Regalia. Several event scenes from "Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV" and the "Omen" trailer were also added.

As mentioned by Square Enix, several bug fixes and adjustments are also added through the update. Side quests have also been balanced, town changes, and new fish types and fishing locations are also added.

In addition, the Leviathan boss encounter and battle experiences are further improved. Players can see full patch notes here.

"Final Fantasy XV" is now available for PlayStation 4 (PS4), Xbox One and PC. The game promises an expansive story set in the world of Eos.

Square Enix also promised during the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) in June that the new game will bring over 100 hours of gameplay, a good story, an abundance of side-quests and a PlayStation Virtual Reality (VR) support.

The game was first planned back in 2006, titled "Final Fantasy versus 13," but the project had since experienced several ups and downs until it was scrapped and rebooted again today as "Final Fantasy XV."