Michele Bachmann: Republicans will never win again if Hillary Clinton wins in 2016

Former congresswoman and Donald Trump's current adviser Michele Bachmann warned Republicans that if Hillary Clinton wins the presidential race in November, no Republican will ever win the elections again. 

Republican presidential candidate Congresswoman Michele Bachmann thanks her husband, Marcus Bachmann at her Iowa Caucus night rally in West Des Moines, Iowa, January 3, 2012. | Reuters/Brian Frank

In an interview with CBN's David Brody of "The Brody File," Bachmann expressed her utmost belief. "Well I don't want to be melodramatic but I do want to be truthful. And I believe without the shadow of a doubt, this is the last election. This is it. This is the last election and the reason why I say that David is it's because it's a math problem," Bachmann said.

Bachmann explained that the demographics of the United States will change if Clinton steps into office because the Democratic presidentiable will "grant wholesale amnesty to people from the Third World." Bachmann said the real number of illegal immigrants is 30 to 40 million and not 11 million as Clinton claimed.

Trump's adviser added that people need to look at the statistics of U.S. voters versus the people that Obama and Clinton want to bring in the country. Current U.S. voters have one last chance in November to choose a president with godly moral principles, according to Bachmann.

She then revealed her view on the Democratic plan. "What Hillary Clinton's ultimate goal is, is to secure her reelection... She will have a wholesale amnesty so that Republicans will never again have a chance at winning Florida, or Texas. If we can't win Florida or Texas it's game over," Bachmann said.

She also explained that she was not judging Clinton spiritually but is against all that Clinton stands for.

Bachmann described Trump as coarse and crude but asked people to instead focus on how he will champion religious liberty. She initially did not support Trump but in another interview, she explained that she now believed God chose him to be the party's candidate and that he will win the elections.