
Wrongfully convicted man becomes pastor, turns to God

A man who was wrongfully convicted for murder has turned his life to God and is now a pastor.

Darryl Burton, sentenced to prison in 1985 for a murder at a gas station in St. Louis, has turned to God after being imprisoned for 24 years.

Burton wrote hundreds of letters to lawmakers and attorneys who specialize in cases related to wrong convictions to ask for help with his case.

In 2008, Burton was exonerated and had his sentence overturned.

In an interview with the media, Burton shared what God taught him during his imprisonment.

"For the first 15 years or so I was just trying to do everything in my own abilities," said Burton.

"Of course, I was really angry and upset and really frustrated about my situation and being wrongfully imprisoned. I said, 'Well, I have tried everything but God, what do I have to lose.' I just challenged Jesus — 'If you're real, show me. If you help me, I will serve you and tell the world about you.'" he added.

Burton later explained that he does not blame God for his imprisonment.

"I think God used the situation the same way with Joseph when Joseph was thrown in the prison and treated by his brothers in a way that was not right. I never blamed God," he said.

Burton later enrolled in a seminary and is now the associate pastor of a 22,000-member Church located in Leawood, Kansas.