
'Hunter x Hunter' chapter 358 news 2016: Powerful characters to bring action and adventure to the Dark Continent

In "Hunter x Hunter" chapter 358, Hisoka will be out to chase down the Spiders with the intent to take them all down before ultimately getting rid of their head, Chrollo Lucifer.

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In the preceding chapter of "Hunter x Hunter," the Phantom Troupe embarked on a mission set to take away treasures from the Kakin Royal Family. The leader Chrollo was seemingly free from anxiety and more complacent as he was convinced the entire time that he was able to finally eliminate Hisoka. Little did he know that the magician Hisoka only pretended to have been dead as part of his front to lure his enemies. Neither did Chrollo know that Hisoka even managed to annihilate two of his followers namely Shalnark and Kortopi. Although the Spiders are generally infamous for their powers and each of them has unique strategies particularly in one-on-one combats which turn them into rather difficult adversaries, Shalnark and Kortopi were defeated because Chrollo previously seized their powers. Otherwise it would have been doubtful for Hisoka to triumph over them.

Moreover, the previous chapter witnessed Kurapika agreeing to work in cooperation with the Zodiacs. The two parties share the mutual intention of taking back the Scarlet Eyes which is duly owned by the fourth prince of the Kakin Royal Family to begin with.

If Kurapika will agree to the idea, he can team up with Hisoka to fight the Phantom Troupe. Hisoka will greatly benefit from the assistance of Kurapika, whose other aim is to seek revenge of the death of the Kuruta clan.

Apart from Kurapika, Illumi Zoldyck will be another option for Hisoka to fight side by side. However, this may prove to be uncertain and even problematic since Illumi Zoldyck is still associated with Chrollo Lucifer.

Hisoka will have to resort to and exhaust all his feasible resources if he will wish to emerge victorious over the cohorts of Chrollo and Chrollo himself. It will not be an easy feat if he were to wage war on his own.

"Hunter x Hunter" chapter 358 will definitely bring forth exciting action scenes as the heroes and villains take their confrontation to the Dark Continent.