
PlayStation Plus February 2017 free games rumors update: 'Gravity Rush,' 'Assassin's Creed' expected to be included

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Members of PlayStation Plus would usually get two games for their respective consoles, which means two will be offered for free each to the members with PlayStation Vita (PS Vita), PlayStation 3 (PS3) and PlayStation 4 (PS4). Next month, AAA titles are expected, including "Gravity Rush" and "Assassin's Creed."

The remastered version of "Gravity Rush" was once expected for the January offer, but was never included. February may be the lucky month for all members as the game is highly possible to be offered for free. The original title has already been available to all PS Plus members, but the remastered version is yet to come out.

Gamers believe that this is the perfect time to include "Gravity Rush Remastered" as it can be great promo play to those who have been wondering about the game. Besides, "Gravity Rush 2" has just been released and so the remastered edition may be a good avenue to increase the hype of the franchise even further.

Another anticipated title is "Alienation." It is a role-playing game (RPG) shooter game developed by Housemarque, which takes the players to a futuristic world where many humans have been mutated or murdered by aliens. The game requires up to four players teaming up to defeat the alien enemies. The players are further classified into the following classes: Tank, Saboteur and Bio-Specialist.

Other anticipated titles for PS Plus February 2017 free games include "LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham," "Shadow Complex Remastered" and "Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China."

Meanwhile, members of PlayStation Plus can still enjoy the January titles. These are:

  • "Day of the Tentacle Remastered" (PS4, PS Vita)
  • "This War of Mine: The Little Ones" (PS4)
  • "Blazerush" (PS3)
  • "The Swindle" (PS3, PS4, PS Vita)
  • "Azkend 2"
  • "Titan Souls" (PS Vita, PS4)

Notice that no AAA titles came out for this month, sparking the news that February will be filled with premium games. It's only a few days away before February starts and so members are sure to get the February 2017 free games in the coming days.