
'Star Wars' Episode VIII update, spoilers, rumors: How did Maz Kanata end up with Luke's lightsaber?

Maz Kanata in "Star Wars Episode 7: The Force Awakens" | StarWars.com

There are still several months to go before the fans can get to see the next episode of the "Star Wars" saga. It is expected that a lot of questions from the previous episode, "The Force Awakens," will be answered by "Star Wars Episode 8," and one of the mysteries from the previous movie is how Luke's lightsaber ended up in the possession of Maz Kanata (Lupita Nyong'o).

The famous lightsaber of Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) made a surprising appearance in "The Force Awakens," and it seems to have chosen its new user. To recall, Han Solo (Harrison Ford), Finn (John Boyega) and Rey (Daisy Ridley) went to Maz Kanata's castle to seek aid, when Rey was all of a sudden drawn to a mysterious room where Luke's lightsaber was hidden. Later on, Rey was able to defeat Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) with Luke's lightsaber, and as of now, she is the last known wielder of the weapon.

If the latest plot theories from Movie Pilot are to be believed, it appears that Maz Kanata did not get the blue lightsaber after Luke Skywalker. The rumors suggest that Kylo Ren had actually acquired the lightsaber after Luke lost his hand and his weapon from an intense battle with his own father, Darth Vader. Long before "The Force Awakens" was released, there were already speculations that Kylo Ren has Luke's lightsaber. While the movie reveals that Maz Kanata has the Jedi master's personal weapon all along, it is possible that she was only able to steal it away from Kylo Ren.

Making Star Wars, on the other hand, speculates that Maz Kanata was able to get the lightsaber after the fight between the group called "Seven" and the Knights of Ren, where Kylo Ren is the leader. Kylo Ren may have lost the weapon during the battle, and Maz Kanata took the opportunity to steal Luke's lightsaber then hurriedly escaped from the unknown battlefield.

This could be the reason Kylo Ren claims to be the owner of the lightsaber when he saw Finn holding it during the last fight sequence in "The Force Awakens." Nevertheless, more about Luke's lightsaber and its fate after the events of "Return of the Jedi" will be revealed in Episode 8, especially that Luke Skywalker himself has finally appeared.